
At St. Andrew’s, our statement of purpose is “to prepare all people for the work of Christian service in order to build up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12) and to reach out into the community “to do what is just, to show constant love, and live in humble fellowship with our God” (Micah 6:8).

But first things first. Before we can prep and do the work, we have to first be right with God. That means simply believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God — fully divine and at the same time, fully human — and that he came to teach us the way to live, that he is the truth and that true life comes when you live for him, with the help of his Holy Spirit. The word for all that is justification.

And then life in Christ is about submitting to God’s will, growing closer to him. It probably means changing your lifestyle as we submit to him and less to our selfish ways. It means trusting in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for everything. The word for all that is sanctification — a slow process of growing more Christlike.

Only then can we embark on the work God has planned for us.

We have a 145-year history in Dresden. And we are eager to move into the future.

We are part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Go here for our statement of faith: file:///C:/Users/AC/Downloads/Living-Faith.pdf

We follow one God. We believe in eternal life through belief in Jesus Christ, who came to show us how to live. We believe we are called to feed the poor and be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.

We also believe that the church must change to be relevant in a changing world without losing its core beliefs.

We gather for worship at 10:30 a.m. year ’round.

Any other questions? Email the minister at amcpastor1@gmail.com