Weekly bulletin

March 7, 2025


We are living in extraordinary times. Consider recent developments in world politics (war in Ukraine, conflict in Gaza), economics (tariff wars), imperialism (threats to sovereignty for Canada, Greenland, Panama), technology (the rise of artificial intelligence) and the continuing decline in spiritual mental health. The level of anxiety and uncertainty is comparable to the Second World War (1939-45), the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. I do not believe I am overstating things. 

What’s the church to do? Pray. Yes, we can take a stand and speak out, we can work for justice/peace and we can feed the needs to some extent. But none of that compares to the power of prayer. It works in two directions. First, it’s directed at God, in which we ask for peace and strength. Second, we invite God to simply dwell within us and others. 

In cooperation with Session, I am organizing a special midweek gathering of praise and prayer on Thursday March 13 at 7 p.m. This is coming together very quickly. The details will come together in the days to come. I have invited pastors from other churches in town to work with me. I will be inviting the general public via social media. I am not sure if this will be a one-time thing or if it will be the first of several gatherings as the need arises.    

QUESTION – I was asked by someone in the community whether the St. Andrew’s steeple has any practical purpose or is it just ornamental. Generally, steeples are symbolic as they point to God. Sometimes, they have lightning rods. Anyone have any insights to ours? 

SCRIPTURE THIS WEEK – Exodus 4:18-31

MESSAGE – What a difference 40 years made. When Moses killed the Egyptian and offered himself as a deliverer to Israel, he was rejected. Now the time and the circumstances were right, and God’s destiny for Moses’ life would begin to be fulfilled. The difference was that what was happening now was God’s will. Timing is almost everything. Faith in god and submission is more important. But waiting for God’s timing is essential if we want to be working in cooperation with God. 



Feel free to say hello in the chat box/message area. Share good news and prayer requests. The entire service is recorded and available immediately afterwards on YouTube. 

PRAYER — Requests may be sent to the pastor, either for sharing or in confidence. If a need is not listed here it’s because the family has opted for privacy. 


For the leaders of the nations 


The world – Sudan, Middle East, Ukraine

Healing and strength – Becca Braithwaite, Pam Cornell, Jen Langstaff Mason, Bruce Stephens, Julie & Dan Shaw

Shut ins – Dianne Richards at Wallaceburg Retirement Residence, Jim Lusk, Bonnie Lozon and Sandra Pegg at Oaks Wallaceburg, Ross Fuchs and Shirley Houston at Fairfield Park in Wallaceburg,  Aubrey Butler at home.  


Elders on session  

Mark Labadie – 519-359-4842 

Cindy Brewer – 519-683-4113 

Sheila Eves – 519-683-4148 

Andrew Neely – 519-359-8903 

Mark Richards – 519-809-9175 

Julie Shaw – 226-627-1953 

Bob Vriesema – 519-401-8056


Board of managers – Wendy Weston (chair), Will Brewer, Linda Malott, Jenn Mason, Nicole Neely, Von Parking, Mark Richards, Jodi Rich, Bob Vriesema and Mike Wicks.



  • Lenten lunches – March 29, April 2, 9, 16 – new location this year: Dresden Christian Reformed Church. Takeout available.
  • April 9 – St. Andrew’s is asked to prepare and donate soup or chili for 50 for this week’s Lenten Lunch. See Pastor Andy if you can help out. 


March 8 – Dan Shaw



  • Do you NEED a key to the church? Please let Wendy or Nicole know whether it’s for sanctuary/hall or the kitchen entrance – or if you need both.  
  • If you use donation envelopes, don’t throw them out if any are unused. We’re asking everyone to keep using them in 2025. They all have your donation number on them – your donation will be processed the day it’s received.
  • Weekly email – Send announcements and new info to standrewspcdresden@gmail.com 
  • Free Community Meals – Please share this info with anyone in need: North Dresden Baptist Church – last Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Dresden Christian Reformed Church – second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.


VOLUNTEER SCHEDULES click here for link to the website

Greeters & coffee prep/Counting teams/Livestream/audio



Renewal Fellowship – Pastor Andy is employed at 20% time as RF’s Executive Director. St. Andrew’s is the other 80%.


  • E-transfer st.andrewspcdresdenon@gmail.com. If required by your bank, our treasurer’s name is Linda Moore. Her number is 226-627-2727. If you are asked for a security question, please contact your local bank branch. 
  • Bring envelope on Sunday or if you have a key, leave it in the treasurer’s mailbox. 
  • Mail it to the church, PO Box 93 Dresden. N0P 1M0. 
  • Gift Cards – You pay face value for the gift cards and the church buys them at a discount through Chatham Christian Schools. Cards will be available for pickup at the church or will be distributed in church. Gift card orders are on the website. https://standrewsdresden.ca/ under the “giving” tab. The next deadline for gift card orders is March 30th. 
  • McBrayne’s Feed & Supply is offering to donate back 10 per cent of sales made using the St. Andrews account. Some items that apply are peanuts, bird feed, sunflower seed, and grains. Make sure you let them know you would like to use the St. Andrew’s account BEFORE ordering to ensure the church gets credit!



Network: StAndrews

Password: StAndrews2015